Diss Games Large

Diss Games provides a retail and hobby space for gaming and other hobbying pursuits. We have a large range of board games, wargames and associated paraphernalia, as well as a large community and event space.

Located on the outskirts of Diss Town, just by the train station, Diss Games is a hobby hub. A great place to go to pick up your hobby supplies, but also a fun place to hang out and indulge your hobby needs. We are not just a shop! We have tables for gaming, regular competitions / tournaments, a lore corner so that you can sit and read about your favourite hobby, or even look into a new hobby! We also have a paint station where you can paint your models (for free!). As if all that wasn’t enough, we also have a selection of games such a Necromunda, Warcry and others all built and ready for you to just come down and play.

As if all this wasn’t enough, we are only just getting started! So much more is in the works, it’s all coming soon!